Hi all,

Just a quick update on Hayley:

She is currently having her 2nd cycle of chemo - the oncologist reduced it by 25% as she was so poorly with the side effects and spent all of christmas week - (went in on christmas day)up until new years eve - in hospital. She started this 2nd cycle yesterday - had a reaction straight away but it was sorted out and things seem to be moving a long smoother today.

She has a CT scan booked for the 17th January to see if the tumor is any different - her oncologist says things are on the up because of other signs (i.e her voice coming back)- we bumped in to him this morning and he said he may get her in earlier than the 17th because he wants to see (depending on the tumor response to chemo) if a 3rd cycle of chemo will take place. At the moment she is having 2 cycles of chemo - then 5- 6 week break and then 7 weeks of radiation plus chemo once a week.

She remains so very positive - even having gone through what she did over christmas - she says "other's have it worse and as longs as 'it's doing its thing' then it's worth going through all this treatment"

She is an inspiration. She is my strength too.

I haven't been about much - funny how things change so much when you are hit with something like this - I do get to read on the OCF from time to time - and which I shall continue to do so.

The days aren't always dark now - some days there is sunshine and laughter, so we walk each day and deal with whatever is thrown at us. Hayley has taught me that. No point in worrying about tomorrow for we have no control - she says just deal with the day we are in.

Thoughts and wishes coming your way.

Happy New Year to you and yours,

Mandy :-)

Mother to Hayley 18, who was diagnosed on the 20th November 2007 with SSC /T4 Throat Cancer. Now in remission as from August 2008. smile