I know what you are saying. I was not seeing her as much as my oncol. I thought that was normal.
She makes the appointments though. I am going every 6 months now. I would like to see her more but she says no need. Since I am past the paraniod everything is the cancer coming back stage it really doesnt bother me that much.

SCC 1.6cm Right Tonsil 10/3/03, 1 Node 3cm, T1N2AM0, Tonsil Removed, Selective Neck Disection, 4 Wks Induction Chemo (Taxol,Cisplatin), 8 Weeks Chemo/Radiation (5FU,Hydroxyurea,Iressa), IMRT x 40, Treatment Complete 2/13/04.
41 Years Old At Diagnosis