You will not get a secure web site for that kind of money. Also there are HIPPA laws regarding the data that have to be complied with as well. While it isn't discussed often, insurance companies have many mechanisms to discover a potential clients liablility to them in future medical costs, and while against the law, they find ways to not insure certain individuals. There was a big stink about this years ago when the AIDS issue and the gay community had problems with insurance companies. Security of the information about you is of significant importance. The OCF web store for instance, is much more expensive than what is being discussed here, to prevent hacking into it, to ensure the security of credit card information, and guarantee that people's private information stays that way...private. The web is a very unsecure place. That is why this company is going through so much to set it up well. Legal issues, and protection.

I have friends that do use the flash drive idea, and they scan the documents and save them as jpegs. This is a 50 buck solution, but you don't want to lose that small drive with all your private info on it.

One of the benefits to the CD's is that on a computer someone can zoom into part of an image and see things more clearly, which is a problem with fulll size films. But nt everyone has the software to read the discs, and film is always a good back up.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.