Tony, Try not to freak about losing your voice. I lost mine for weeks, then it would come back, then I would lose it again. I'm 4 tx and my voice has been back for a couple mos. now. It's raspier then it was, but I can talk!! Even started to sing a little. (not well though) smile As for the drinking, I guess that is each persons choice. I went to a concert the other night, didn't have one drink, but still enjoyed myself. Yes, I did drink before, just a couple a week, even had a glass of wine after tx. So I'm not anti-alcohol. I know this whole ordeal is hard to deal with, seems like it would be easier to handle with some help from alcohol, but would it really change anything? Take care of yourself. Linda

Dx3/20/06 SCC,BOT,1N Tx:5cycles Carbo/Taxol, Rad:35x, brachytherapy:6x, completed 7/24/06