Helen is right, you are describing some of the classic symptoms of clinical depression. This is more than feeling bad, but actually a physical condition that can affect your mood. I would take the time to visit a doctor for a talk and perhaps an Rx for a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. I can tell you this is a common occurrence in caregivers as well as patients. It is not something that you can reason your way through...believe me I thought I could and was not able to. The medication made it possible for me to get back on track in relatively short time; about 3 weeks...I kept taking it for about 6 months and then went off of it. You might consider this as something worth looking into. Remember that only a MD or a psychiatrist can prescribe medications not a psychologist

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.