Thanks Lisa,

Finished another XRT today so down to 13 now. I had 2 bags of IV fluids today. I usually get one a day except on the weekends but today they wanted to give me 2 since I had been vomiting and lost about 8lbs since Friday. That's the only weight I've lost so far and this the start of the 5th week. I have such a tough time eating orally and the tube feedings take so long when I use the pump. I wish I could just pump that stuff in my tube quickly, but I'm told that will make you sick?


Tim Stoj
60 yr old. Dx Jun 06 with BOT Stage IV. Neck dissesction on 19 Jun 06. Started Tx on 21 Aug 06/completed 33 IMRTs and 3 CT (2 Cisplat & 1 Carboplat) on 5 Oct 06.