Hi Tim,

My Dad is already hard of hearing; can't hear in one ear due to meniers disease. The chemo oncologist told us that his hearing would most likely be effected and that is is irreversible. My father was thinking of not having the chemo because of this; however the RO said she felt it was needed. So that's all he had to hear; and he did all 3 chemos.

I think it was after the 2nd chemo that his hearing became distorted. He said we sounded like we had marbles in our mouths (come to think of it; it was just when us women talked). Also too many people in a room talking seemed to annoy him and still does. He also felt pressure in the ear and some ringing (which he already gets with meniers).

I noticed all this seemed to be worse right after each chemo and would clear up a bit a couple of weeks after that.

Well he's 3 1/2 months out of treatment now. His hearing is off compared to before. His cell phone rings in his pocket and he doesn't hear it, he's saying 'what' alot. But he can hear, have conversations, watch tv, go to the movies; just not like before.

He had a hearing test before chemo but hasn't had a follow up yet. For my Dad he felt having the chemo and living was more important then his hearing. The dr didn't suggest an alternative chemo, so he did the Cisplatin.

Talk to your doctor.

My Dad (Sam) at age 69 dx SCC Base of Tongue T1N2C Well-Diff - March 2006.

35 IMRT rads & 3 Cisplatin chemos - Apr-June/06. Nodes shrunk 50% Dr's suggest ND. Negative PET - he declined ND.

March/07 Had Bilateral ND. No Cancer!! Doing Well!