Hearing changes are definitely a side effect of Cisplatin; our MO said to tell him about it immediately, so make sure you do that.

My husband had the underwater effect that you describe. It got better, but now he cannot hear high frequencies, particularly some parts of female voices (now he really has an excuse--how convenient :rolleyes: ). An example: we were in the car yesterday and there was song on the radio with female vocals and he said he couldn't hear most of the words. Just to test, I lowered my voice and he said he could hear me much better.

His MO says that could be permanent. His ENT recommended a hearing evaluation and he is getting that at the end of this month.

Hang in there, Stoj! You're getting to the home-stretch. I don't recall if you have a PEG or not. It was during week 4 of radiation that Tom got his PEG and it was not a moment too soon! Stay nourished and stay hydrated.


CG to Tom dx SCC 5/06; right neck lymph nodes removed, dx right tonsil and tonsillectomy 6/06; rad and chemo started 7/06; treatment COMPLETED 9/06 33x rad; Erbitux (8x); Cisplatin (2);