I am so glad is pain is undercontrol. I know what you are dealing with is overwhelming right now and I hope you can gain some strength from this board - I know I have many times, even if it just got me through the night knowing I wasn't alone. I know many people react the way your husband did to the mentioning of "hospice" but I think his feelings will change in time. Maybe he's just not ready for that yet. In our desperation to feel like we had control over something we mentioned it to my brother probably a little too soon. He couldn't give us a verbal response, due to the removal of his tongue, but I could see in his eyes he thought of that as giving up and he wasn't quite ready to do that yet. But withing a month, he saw we needed the services of hospice as much as he did and he never fought it. I thank him so much for that. Please focus on the time remaining and try to make great memories. Don't give up your hope for a miracle - they do happen. We didn't get our miracle, but I think that just increases the odds of others getting theirs, because miracles have to happen to somebody.
Best wishes.

Sister of 32 year-old oral cancer victim. Our battle is over but the war rages on. My brother passed July 26, 2005. He was a smokeless tobacco user.