Thank you for all your wonderful love & prayers.

I have a good friend who used to be in charge of our local hospice group, so I am very familiar with it. Unfortunately when I lovingly mentioned hospice to Don he instantly got mad and said that would make him feel "more" like he was dieing. I tried to explain it more with no success. I will try again at a later time.

I will definitely look up the book you mentioned Tom, thanks.

The radiation for pallpative therapy on his bones is now complete. We have a follow-up appointment on Monday 5-8-06, that is where the doctor tells us if there is anything else they will be able to do. But I must tell you that I am afraid Don has already given up. His mood is so down and crumpy all the time that I'm not so sure what the doctor will be able to say to help. I just keep praying that the Lexapro they put him on kicks in soon. At least the pain management group at Cedars Sinai is awesome and they have him out of pain, for the most part, and he is finally able to sleep.

Thanks again for all your support & prayers.

As for me...when I get angry and very frustrated with him I go for a ride. I actually went to the mall for the first time in was great. It gave me a breather and I was able to go back to him without anger...thank you God!


Lorie/wife of Don, DX:8-7-03, Tonsil cancer left side stage III, IMRT x 35, 6 chemo (Cisplatin/Taxol), clear CT Scan 12-26-2003. Mets to both lungs & AML 11-6-05, mets to brain Jan 2006, mets to liver & bones April 2006, passed away July 20, 2006.