Hi Nelie,

I had the injection of amifostine before each rad treatment (37 in all) and I had no reaction to it whatsoever. I know others had problems and had to stop so I guess I was one of the "lucky" ones. The only thing I didn't like about them was the actual injection which really wasn't that big a deal but at the time I guess I was just being a baby! They said they would normally make the injection in the stomach fat but since I had almost no fat they ended up injecting it in my upper hip/butt area. The area of injection would be a little sore but alternating between left and right side seemed to help a little.

Anyway, sorry to be long winded on such a simple question. I hope you'll experience no side effects from your injections.

Hugs, Nancy

Stage IV oral cancer (tongue), T3N2, total glossectomy with right and left modified neck dissection 7/03, rad /chemo ended 11/03