Nelie, see how lucky you are getting questions answered by those experienced people. When my treatment plan was fixed, I was all alone not knowing what was going to happen on me. Doctors sometimes are too busy to answer patients' questions and moreover, they have not been in the battle themselves. Just to share my own experience here. I can't answer the question about PEG because I never had one and in Hong Kong, only very few patients need one before treatment. As for radiation mask, you need not worry about it. Just lie on the bed comfortably. I was very fortunate that medical professionals in my hospital were very caring and tender. They apologized if I felt uncomfortable. So you may give them signals if you don't like the way they handle you. I needed to have another mask made in the middle of treatment as my neck tumor had become smaller and my face became thinner. I didn't know that and felt scared when I had to get a new mask. I thought there was something wrong until the nurse told me that it was a good sign that my tumors were responding well. As for the teeth, I also kept all my teeth. If someone suggests pulling any of your teeth, get a second opinion. Before treatment, have a thorough clean by a good dentist and if there is a decayed tooth, get it filled instead of getting it pulled. Teeth are more vulnerable after treatment, for sure. So oral hygiene is very important.Don't panic and relax.Get as much nutrition as you can before the battle. Good luck,


Karen stage 4B (T3N3M0)tonsil cancer diagnosed in 9/2001.Concurrent chemo-radiation treatment ( XRT x 48 /Cisplatin x 4) ended in 12/01. Have been in remission ever since.