
I will call you soon. I know how difficult all of this has been for you and your family. I have not forgotten about you. My mom was also pegless and lost a ton of weight as we had previously discussed. Just this past weekend she told me that she is going to start dieting because now she is finally starting to gain weight. She is almost 140 pounds and doesn't ever want to be overweight again. I think 140 is a healthy weight for her but she does not want to gain anymore weight back...she has been eating everything fattening possible since the weight loss and was unable to gain a pound and now finally almost 1 year after treatment she is able to gain a few pounds.

Have you consulted other doctors regarding your mothers treatment? It seems crazy that there is no way for them to do a biopsy??

My thoughts and prayers are with you,


Originally joined OCF on 12/12/03 as DaniO or Danijams
Dani-Mom SCC BOT & floor of mouth surgery-recur then surgery/rads & chemo completed 3/04
surgery 11/06 to remove dead bone & replace jaw w/ leg bone & titanium plate