I, for one, think anything is worth a try. My Mom had tongue cancer a year ago, had 1/4 removed and neck dissection, lymph nodes were clear. One year later she has developed what the ENT oncologist terms pre-cancerous lesions in the same area under the tongue. We have an appt. on Wednesday, and I am printing some of these posts to show him and ask for a Valtrex prescription. Being she is 86 and very frail, any other type of treatment will be of no use to her. She has stated to me, "no more surgery, no radiation", but Valtrex, it's worth a try. Hopefully he will give us the prescription and there will not be any bad side effects, and it will work. Forgot to mention, she has been plaged by cold sores all her life, so there just may be something here. Thanks for all the info.

Regards, Margie

Caretaker for Mom, 1st stage scc, surgery 1 year ago and pre-cancerous lesions appearing again.