I assure you I am sincere, I understand skepticism which is why I tried to emphasize that this is just our personal experience with cancer and is not the result of doctors orders or any kind of scientific study. Valtrex helps prevent Herpes outbreaks but does not cure it. It may block the DNA-changing aspect of Herpes? I do not know.

Reading recent studies, I see that HSV-2 is possibly linked to cervical cancer. 44% of women studied with cervical cancer had Herpes-2, versus 26% in a control group of other women. HPV is highly linked, with 95% of women with cervical cancer having HPV. The actions of both viruses are similar, so it stands to reason that both could be contributing factors to development of cancer.

I wanted to share the joy of receiving clear biopsy results after 7 years of trying everything under the sun. It could have just been coincidental timing with her starting to take the drug. It may do nothing. It may make things worse. I have no idea. But it was the one thing that changed for my wife in this time period, so I felt obligated to share it, in case it really was real. Do with you want with my experience, but do not doubt my sincerity. No one who has dealt with this for 7 years deserves that.

Thanks for your time,