Hello all-again great encouragement and advice... my problem with wiping my mouth out with tissue or foam "toothbrushes" -- if I get anywhere near the back of my throat, whammo, the gag reflex kicks in... Sometimes this is good, and I can cough up a nice mouthful and spit it out... Other times, like last night twice, I actually get sick and lose all those hard-earned calories... arrgg...

Went to the doctor today and he hooked me up with the mega-pain medicine pack -- a patch, a steriod, morphine, some naseua medicine, a hydrocodone refill and I'm sure some other stuff that I haven't found in the bottom of the bag yet. laugh I actually left the pharmacy with a big brown grocery bag!! My poor liver... :p

Even the first round of morphine didn't seem to do much. I tried drinking some gatorade (since I'm getting somewhat dehyrdated) and it burned going down... my tissues just burn... I think I'll do better when that comes under control...

Anyway, I'm hanging in there... thanks for tips and "tricks of the trade"... we're definitely in a club no one wants to be in, but one that we're all glad is there...


Tongue cancer (SCC), diagnosed Oct. 2003 (T2 N0 M0). Surgery to remove tumor. IMRT Radiation 30x in Dec 2003 - Jan. 2004. Recurrence lymph node - radical neck dissection June 2004. Second round of rad/chemo treatments ended Sept. 2004.