
It was I who referred Moises to the board as his dad, Alfredo, was assinged to me through CanCare, a local organization that uses cancer survivors to mentor newer patients with similar diagnosis. Alfredo is a wonderful man with a beautiful family of grown children and 3 grandchildren. He finished treatment around December 19th and is eager to get back to work and to be able to eat again...He is on a feeding tube at present.

Alfredo asked me many questions about my own progress and I explained to him that a lot of people treated with radiation and chemo are able to swallow food much more quickly and efficiently than was I.( I feel great, but still have difficulty swallowing a lot of solid food ). His primary tumor was on a tonsil, while mine was on the base of the tongue (epiglotis), so our situations are certainly not identical. Maybe some of you can write something to let Alfredo know how quickly you were able to eat again and how well you can eat now.

He is also very eager to return to work and could use a little cheering up.

I appreciate it...

Danny G.

Stage IV Base of Tongue SCC
Diagnosed July 1, 2002, chemo and radiation treatments completed beginning of Sept/02.