Danny, look at what you have been thru and are still going thru. Hey just because a cat scan or whatever the test is, comes back clean or not, we are still living in this prison without walls. Who are we kidding here. We are all just trying our GOD awful best to deal, to cope, to understand all these words and procedures that are thrown at us. Hell until ORAL CANCER hit me, I never knew what a clear margin was. Or what a rad of radiation was. These are things I wish none of us ever had to know. I never knew pain like this. That never stops. Before CANCER, we had a toothache, went to the dentist, the horror of that was the deadening shot. WOW!!!!!!!! Look at what you have been thru. What your body, you mind, your soul and your heart have weathered. This is a lot. A ton. And our doctors spit these words out at us like they are telling us about a new flavor of kool-aid. We leave telling them----THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!. Danny you, the man, the person this is happening to you, then there is your wife, the kids, your entire family that you have to watch hurt, which only adds to the tons of things that you are already dealing with. You ask why???? Well my friend you shouldn't have to ask us why HEll WHY NOT? I am mad!!!! That my life was cut in half. I am only half living. I am here. THis is not living? Not to me it isn't. I am alive, but I am not living. I don't mean to sound ungratful, but damm I want some quaility of life. I want to be able to go and live. Not in this house. And people visiting me. I want to run, to kiss my husband, to play with my grandkids. I am alive and I pray that I will get better than I am, but I am still madder than HELL that anyone should have to go thru this for one day ,much less years and years. We love you Danny for all your words and your kindness, I for one feel like you do, most of the time, I am just a damm good actor, WHERE IS MY EMMY??Always, Miss Vicki