
I too get very angry. Very angry. Why us? Why is there a 75 year old dude sitting up at the corner bar right now having a shot of whiskey and a filterless Camel 9doing the same thing he has been doing for 50 years) and he will live to 100 while we have for some reason been chosen to get this crappy deal?

I talked with my doc, they told me that anti depressants (spelling it too early) help this matter and they were right. They do help quite a bit. I am on a very low dosage of Paxil and it seem to keep my spirits up.

It is a lot to handle my friend. But we will get through it. God has a plan. Thats they way it has to be I guess (clearly the Paxil talking).

Even with the Paxil, all I can think about when I look into my newborns eyes is "I hope I live long enough for him to remember who I was" that, is what keeps me truckin through this.

Take care man. Keep up the physical stuff as you have been. That helps too.

Later. Drop me a line or give me a call if you need to vent some more.


SCC 1.6cm Right Tonsil 10/3/03, 1 Node 3cm, T1N2AM0, Tonsil Removed, Selective Neck Disection, 4 Wks Induction Chemo (Taxol,Cisplatin), 8 Weeks Chemo/Radiation (5FU,Hydroxyurea,Iressa), IMRT x 40, Treatment Complete 2/13/04.
41 Years Old At Diagnosis