Theresa, I am sorry to hear your loved one (ex- or not, you obviously still care a great deal for him) is having troubles so far away. I know you must feel helpless in the face of this new symptom. I wonder why he told you about it, he must also care. It sounds as though, on top of needing to get to a cancer center, he might need some counseling for PTSD. Post traumatic stress disorder is not JUST for veterans of foreign war. It also affects anyone (patient, caregiver, etc.,) who has faced a horrifying life-changing event and has gone through, but not necessarily BEYOND it. I would imagine quite a few of us could identify with the symptoms...
Symptoms of PTSD can include:
Intrusive emotions and memories
Nightmares and night terrors
Avoiding emotions
Avoiding relationships
Avoiding responsibility for others
Avoiding situations that are reminiscent of the traumatic event
Exaggerated startle reaction
Explosive outbursts
Extreme vigilance
Panic symptoms
Sleep disturbance
The important thing for you to know, is that you are not responsible for any of these things, the problem lies outside of yourself!!! You can control how YOU react to them, but not how HE reacts to them..
I hope you find an answer to your question about cancer centers in SA, but more important, I hope you find your way through and beyond your current heartache.


SCC L lat tongue,Dx 9/15/05 T1N0MX L MND and L lateral hemiglossectomy 10/03/05. Recurrence 11/15/06 2nd surgery 12/04/06 hemiglossectomy 3rd surgery 01/15/07 tonsillectomy Radiation 01/25/07 to 03/08/07 3-D/CRT X 30