We're from a small town called "Lanark" but we go to a college in Belleville. There are probably some ENT's in Belleville we can contact. I don't know what we're gonna do if he does have it..

My boyfriend said that the sore under his tongue doesn't hurt at all, and he doesn't think it has been getting any bigger. But it also hasn't been going away. And he asked his dentist to take a look at it, and didn't even care. Everyone says it is just a canker sore, but it doesn't hurt and it doesn't go away. It's just there. I think if the doctor doesn't refer him to an ENT, I'm gonna like.. Scream at him..

My boyfriend is considering finding a new family doctor, just to get a referral to an ENT. See, it's hard to go to his own doctor because we live 2 hours away when we go to college. And all the doctor at the college does is provide pa smears, and prescribe birth control pills and antibiotics.

But yeah, thanks everyone for everything! I appreciate the advice, and I'm sure my bf does too!