Hi everyone. I have been a member for a while, but am a self admitted "lurker". My husband (now ex-husband) had tonsil cancer. He was treated with radiation and chemo at slaoanekettering, in NYC. He went through some emotional stuff afterwards and ended up leaving us a little over a year ago and went back to his country (chile, sa) He had been having all good check ups up til the point he left.
He emailed me today saying he has a sore in his mouth and it burns, he thinks its from the radiation (which was finished in July/03) He says he is putting some kind of "honey" on it, and it seems to be helping it. He also says he hopes to have an appointment with an "internist" there sometime in Feb. I am freaking, we have two children together (altho grown) Does anyone know what some symptoms of relapses might be? If he had a cancerous lesion in his mouth, would it burn? I am not sure if he is saying it burns or if its "like a burn" as far as appearance.
He was "staged" at late stage 3 or early stage 4, mostly due to the size of the tumor and it had gone to his soft palate.
Does anyone know if there is cancer center in Chile?
Where has Rosie gone? I havent seen her here in so long. Hopefully she is living a good full and happy life. (I am talking about the one who lost her daughter at a very young age)
I see so many new names on here and not a lot of the "familiar" ones that I used to see (been a while since i have even lurked)
If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, I welcome them.
Thanks for listening