Darcy, thank you very much, I wish you and Matt all the best!
I saw a third doctor just today and he confirmed that in my case radiation is not a routine option. Still, just to be sure that everything is ok at the moment, he decided for me to have a couple of post-surgery exams next week. I'm a little bit scared but I'm ok with this. Also, he confirmed the absolute need for a very close follow-up, just like you mentioned. He said: more treatments, less close follow-up - less treatments, closer follow-up. I know what that means, I know it's gonna be hard but I have no choice.

woman, 32 y/o, 7/07 Squamous cell cancer stage 1, G2, N0, T0 - 8/07 partial glossectomy, neck dissection (all lymph nodes and 1 tonsil negative, 2,5 cm margins negative). Doubtful about radiation, I have had different opinions from the doctors.