Hi everyone,
We just returned from visiting my in-laws.

Our appointment on Friday went quite well. We met mom's surgeon and radiologist as well as various nurses and surgical residents who also examined my mom.

Initially when we met with the radiologist he said treatment would probably consist of radiation followed by surgery depending on what both doctors discovered in their examinations that day. Within just a few minutes he had already changed his mind and said both he and the surgeon would probably suggest surgery first. I believe in his examination of her he could readily tell that it was quite advanced and more than likely well into the bone in her jaw.

I asked him about type of cancer and stage and he was very forthcoming about all the reports so far and let me read for myself and answered questions honestly and compassionately.

It is SCC and was staged at T4 N0 moderately differentiated.

The surgeon came in soon after to give his opinion and he said yes she needed surgery asap and upon examination found a swollen lymph node so changed her staging to T4 N1 with a whole bunch of mumbo jumbo after that.

He told her to cancel her CT scan at our local hospital this coming thursday and he would get her in tuesday or wednesday at his hospital and she could see him for a consultation and results immediately afterwards.

These doctors gave my mother a much needed boost of confidance. Just the fact that some doctors are listening to her and ready to offer her some immediate treatment makes her feel better.

I will keep everyone informed of all the latest news as I get it.
