Amy...I read your blog and words cannot express how much I admire your strength. I am so sorry for your loss and hope each day is getting a little easier for you

Christine... great idea about the notebook and business cards. I will go out today and pick up a small business organizer with a calendar and notepad and room for business cards.

August...I believe it is her lower gum but again I've got little information myself. I will fill everyone in with as much as I learn myself. Congratulations on the 18 month check up!!!! That definitely lifts my spirits (as I'm sure it does yours LOL)

Joanna...Thanks for reminding me that many people go through this without too much trouble. My mother in law went through a battle last year with cancer in her nasal passages. She was sick and had some really bad days and weeks but up until a few weeks ago she said she was feeling back to normal (unfortunately it looks like she is having a re-occurance now and we will know more about her cancer in a few weeks)

Again thank you all for the encouragement and suggestions. I have alot going on right now with trying to deal with a very active and difficult two year old, a mother-in-law who is in need of some love and support, we are also in the process of looking for a new home...the list goes on and on.

So if you don't hear from me for a few days it's not that I don't appreciate and value every word everyone has for's just lack of time. I do check in on this board several times every day even for just a minute or two to stay up to date with new posts.

I have a very busy weekend coming up and will be out of town visiting MIL and camping with kids (long weekend here in Canada).

My update about fridays appointment will likely come next week sometime.

Have a great weekend everyone!