Hi Jackie

Jerry is right. Take someone else with you to the appointments if you can. My Mom and I went with my Dad, and we all three picked up on different things that were said.

Right now you are still reeling from your Moms diagnosis. It was just a few months ago that I was in your same position. What you are feeling is normal. The key will be to get as much information as you can and ask tons of questions. I found for every answer that I got I had another question.

My Dads first doctors visit consisted of us meeting the surgeon, an examination of his mouth and then he had his nose scoped so they could see if the cancer had spread to his sinuses yet. He didn't have his CT scan until a few days after that. Everyone's first doctors appointment is different - it just depends on where their symptoms are.

Out here you will find a lot of support and encouragement from people who have walked down this path before you. Hang in there. You are not alone.


CG to Father, 75 yo with SCC of the mouth; upper maxillectomy and neck diss. performed on 5/23/07. Father also suffered heart attack during surgery and now has CHF. RT complete on 8/28/07. Cancer back 11/27/07. RT and Chemo to start on 12/17. Cancer back 6/17/08. Finally at rest 08/08/08.