Hello everyone. My name is Keith. I am 37 years old and just found out yesterday that my tongue cancer is back after 5 years. In 2001 i had a small portion of my tongue removed as well as my lymph nodes on the left side of my neck. I had good margins and no radiation or chemo was necessary. Now after 5 years I will be going in to have more of my tongue removed.
Five years ago i was told that it was caught extremely early and that the risk of it returning was minimal. It was very scary but I didn't give it much thought because the whole process seemed fairly noneventful and I believe I was given an unclear picture of the seriousness of the disease.
With this reoccurance I did some research on the net and found this site. I am very scared this time around. I guess I've grown up some, you could say. I take life a whole lot more seriously than I did 5 years ago. i don't really know why I'm writing all of this. I guess maybe I need to vent.
i have a very loving wife whom I adore. I am finding it difficult to talk to her about it because I know she is scared, too and I want to be strong for her. I realize it is just as difficult for loved ones to deal with.

Tongue cancer diagnosed 12/01. Tumor removed. No chemo, no radiation. Early stage 3 SCC of the tongue recurrance 12/06, well differentiated. Hemiglossectomy, free flap, neck dissection 3/26/07. IMRT Tx finished 8-7-07(30 Tx's). No chemo.