Thank you for the suggestions. I have so much going through my head right now. I have been doing a lot of reading on this board and I realize that my cancer was caught early as far as we can tell at this point.
One thing that puzzles me is that cancer treatment has no equivalent of a primary care physician. It seems that you go to a specialist based on the type and body area affected. It is just so strange. For tongue cancer it seems surgery is the first step. Then you are referred to radiation or chemo if necessary. Is this how it works ? Do I rely on this head and neck surgeon to refer as needed ?
I want all the tests possible yet at the same time I’m afraid to have a bunch of tests for great of what else may be found. I want to know but I don’t want to know.
For those of you who have done this , how did you navigate all of the steps ? Did you rely on the surgeon or a social worker or your primary care physician ?