Havent been here for a minute but im very glad to read your surgery went good for you. Sounds like you are doing even better than i did after.
I know the feeling of wanting this all to progress much faster but take it easy it will get harder before it gets better. Everything will fall back into place when your body is ready. Swelling will take alot of time to fully go down. It took me a couple weeks before i could swallow water but it did happen.
First thing i tried was ice chips. Just slowly let them disolve and swallow like saliva. Only a couple peices at a time. Very hard to get things over that new flap. I never knew how much work my tongue did. I bet within the next week you will have no problem using a straw. My speach therapist showed me gow to use a large syringe to get stuff over the flap that helped alot also. First thing i had was a smoothie in the syringe it was so good i cried like a child.
You got this. Just hang in there!!!

Mike young