Hello Connie. I had fistulas on my right mandible that drained blood and fluid. Have a look at my posts for details. Unlike your husband I am NPO and take all fluids and nutrition through my PEG tube. That fact played a major role in my decision to forego reconstruction surgery. All the best to you and your husband.

Be well. Zenda
12/04 SCC Tonsil, Stage IV T3N2BM0. Mod RND, resect right oropharynx, free-flap, resect right tongue base. Erbitux,Docetaxel,RT X 33. 6/08 Mets lung, hilar lymph node:Carboplatin, Docetaxel. 2010 2nd clinical trial:lung clear, node stable. ORN,trismus,dysphagia. 8-10/2012 cryoablation,brachytherapy,cyberknife to lymph node. 12/12 NED. 6/13 Mets RLL lung: 8/13 cyberknife. 11/13 NED.