You didn't fill out your profile completely but it appears you are posting from the Philippines. Is this correct?

This is not responding to antibiotics, so it is not a bacterial infection. No where in your first post do you mention that your nodes of your neck are swollen as a symptom, but in your second post you are talking about a biopsy of one of them, so I am wondering if something has changed. Do you have a swollen lymph node and is it tender or painless? Of course if a fine needle biopsy showed you had cancer you would want to treat it, right? But you shouldn't be worrying about treatments and consequences yet until you know what it is.

Advice to do nothing but take herbal supplements and pray is not going to make this go away, and you deserve a diagnosis. It may not be cancer, but clearly it is not an infection either. If you have a swollen node that shows that it is getting worse not better.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.