Thank you very much smile

My mother said that i must not worry becuase worry can also cause other illness. She does not want me to have a biopsy, because once the lymph node is moved, or touched by needles, you must now follow it up with surgery when the biosy come out with CA.

She have some cancer patients that died after the surgery. She said we will just eat healthy foods, take herbal supplements and pray. She is afraid of surgery, thats why i too am afraid of it. I am still dependent on my mother and have no money of my own to go to a doctor for a consultation or biopsy.

The costs of medical assistance here in our country is so expensive. One patient with cancer spend 500$ dollars a day for his chemotherapy. We are not rich and we lack the money to support someone who will have CA.

I hope that this is just a benign lesion. Thank you very much for the advice 😊

Last edited by ren; 10-15-2014 05:00 AM.