Quick update from Canada - Had a CT scan of my neck which showed three larger nodes - one over 1.6cm and the other two just under.

So, original partial glossectomy was cancelled and replaced with partial glossectomy and neck dissection for March 25, 2014. I'm just as happy to have the potentially impacted lymph nodes out, but ...

I also have TMD - basically a locking and unhappy jaw - as well as compressed neck disks due to a couple of car accidents/whiplashes. Has anyone had similar type issues, how was recovery from surgery?

I also find it very hard to know what to say to folks at work - if the nodes are negative, then I could be back to work soon enough. If they are positive, that's another kettle of fish. Then, I also have had a persistent cough, and just had a chest CT to make sure there is nothing involved in my chest. That would be a real sucker punch.

Started to see a naturpath - and he suggested that cranberry juice and cruciferous veggies (broccoli/cauliflower/cabbage) would be good additions to my diet as they have cancer preventative properties.

Just hanging out and waiting for now....

Age 48, Rabid non-smoker, Mom, horse lover
Diagnosed SCC Feb 11/14
CT Scan showed three larger than normal lymph nodes
Partial Gloss & SND Mar 25, 2014
Nodes Clear/ 3mm margin / RADs recommended
Began RADs May 20, 2014 (30 in total) ENDED June 30th