If you have younger siblings that are between the ages of 12 and 26, you may want to talk with them (and your parents) about the Guardisil vaccine. This is a series of 3 shots given over a few months that will protect them from the bad strains of the
HPV virus. So when you have your "talk", dont forget to include some informative info that will hopefully help protect them from ever dealing with things like cervical cancer, anal cancer, penile cancer, genital warts and oral cancer. I doubt your cancer was from
HPV as its location doesnt fit the usual base of tongue and tonsil area tumors. Ive seen several young former smokers who have gotten OC (all under age 30). Their doctors told them they didnt cause their cancer either. In my opinion, the doctor is being kind to their patient and helping them to not feel the guilt of causing their own illness.
You have no idea all the junk that is put into tobacco. As a flavor enhancer, urea is added, more commonly known as the major component of human urine. I lost half of my lower jaw from my smoking habit. By continuing to smoke you are only making things harder on your body. You will not heal as easily and you sure dont need the added chemicals in the tobacco or in the smoke. The electronic cigs are slightly better but still only a substitute for the real thing. Help yourself and make the decision that you are going to fight then do it.... throw out the cigs! I know its not easy but you need to have this sink in and then follow thru. You CAN do this!!!!