Hi, I am a 26 year old female, just diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma on my tongue. I don't know the right terminology yet. My doctor says it's all over the left side of my tongue, underneath and on top, all the way towards the back of where my tongue starts. They did a CT scan and a biopsy, and those indicated that the cancer has probably spread to at least one lymph node on my left side.

Originally, I was told I had a tongue ulcer when I went in to see a general practitioner five months ago, and at that time I had had the "ulcer" for two months already.

Because I waited so long, my current doctor is saying my cancer is probably stage 3 or 4. He won't know for sure until they do a PET scan, which is scheduled for Monday.

In any case, this was a big shock to me because I'm otherwise healthy, never had any real health problems in my entire life. I do smoke, but I didn't start until I turned 20, so only for 6 years. Doc said the smoking most likely wasn't a cause.

I do have a few questions, if anyone knows the answers to them. How common is this type of cancer in someone my age? And if smoking didn't cause it, why did I get it? Also...how survivable is something like this in stages 3 or 4? I was told most likely they would remove part of my tongue and do radiation treatments.

This is all so mind boggling. What kind of questions should I be asking my doctor? He always asks me if I have questions, but I don't know what the heck I'm talking about, you know?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. smile

Age 27, mother of 4 year old girl
SCC(a)left side of tongue
Stage 3
DX 11/11/13
CAT scan 11/4/13 - biopsy 11/6/13
PET 11/18/13
Partial glossectomy/radial forearm flap/PEG tube/trach 12/12/13
Radiation/Chemotherapy 1/14
Currently NEC