
You are exactly correct it is no fun at all. I did three rounds of this many years ago and lost 50 pounds in the process. The one thing I finally figured out in the last round is that I could keep down potatoes I don't know why or if it will work for you but for me it didn't matter what type. I could keep down baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, even scollopped potatoes. I also had many things taste different. For me they tasted mettalic. Lets face it nothing tastes the same after it has come up from below. It will take time but after treatment all those taste issues pretty much went away. They Doc's are no doubt checking blood all the time and keeping a close eye on the kidney function, etc. Keep your eye on the target. Got to do what you got to do to get rid of this pesky cancer. This treatment is only the means to the end. Stay strong and keep taking it if the doc says your blood work allows it. I am living proof you can beat this cancer and have many good years with your children and family afterwards. Good luck on the remaining treatment.

In 1994 I found a 3cm tumor on my right tonsil. After 3 rounds of chemo, I underwent a radical neck dissection with a peck flap. I had a reoccurance which required twice a day radiation treatments and then had 19 years cancer free. I then found a very small tumor on my right tonsil. It was removed. Then I found a 1 cm mass near the base of my tongue on the left side. I had two partial glossectomys with bad margins and then then underwent Brachytherapy.