7 days after my first cisplatin, and I'm reeling. I can't keep food down despite continual anti-nausea meds, dropped 9 pounds. Plus, seem to have already lost my sweet/crunchy taste sensations, so fewer and fewer foods appeal at all. My kidney function started dropping so they juiced me up with potassium and fluids yesterday and today, will do again all week.

At what point would they decide not to try cisplatin #2? As bad as this has been, I don't want to shortchange my treatment. If cisplatin's not tolerated, would they switch to Cetuximab or something else???

T3N2aM0 HPV+
5/26/13 discovered painless superball-sized lymph node in neck
6/26/13 DX SCC R palatine tonsil
7/16/13 TORS tonsillectomy & selective ND, mets to 2 nodes
9/3/13 Cisplatin and rads begin, tolerated 1.5 of 3 planned chemo doses
10/16/13 Treatment ends
Dec 13 Ulcer appears at surgery site
Jan 17 Biopsy -- no cancer!
Feb 17 CT/PET Scan lights up tonsil bed & nasal cavity, docs say probably inflammation, don't panic, rescan when ulcer subsides