When talking about any kind of physical recovery, be from physical exertion, surgery, injury, etc etc using a "complete" source for protein is paramount.

I've made several posts on these forums about the differences in protein, whey, plant based, eggs, etc etc. Any "complete" protein, which is a protein that has all of the "essential" amino acids, is needed for the recovery process as the bodies need for amino acids increases with the severity of the attack on, or repair of the system.

Now as far as protein goes, Whey is the performance standard in muscle recovery for the majority of top level athletes due to it's fast uptake and amino acid concentration. Every protein is compared to the gold standard, which is the egg with a Biological Value (BV) of 93 and it's excellent uptake into the system. Whey has a higher BV and Uptake than egg protein does. Plant based protein can match the egg in BV but is usually a much slower uptake.

Typically in body building 1g of protein per pound of body weight is what is commonly recommended, however in a calorie restricted situations more is recommended.

Dr. Layne Norton, PhD in Nutritional Science from the U of Illinois, who is also a champion natural body builder and powerlifter, recommends 1.2-1.5gs of protein powder per pound of body weight to help maintain lean body mass during periods of calorie restriction to force the body to breakdown adipose tissue (fat). If you ever see pictures of this guy, it's hard to argue his research due to it's results.

Branched Chain Amino's are used by athletes to help recover from intense workouts quicker and taken immediately after a workout as an adjunct to their high protein drink they'll consume. It just makes sense to supplement them in cancer recovery as well due to how the body works.

When your bodies immune system is activated to fight in infection, or disease, it's need for amino acids, specifically the BCAA Leucine is dramatically increased due to it's role in producing macrophages. Leucine is also the trigger for your body to begin protein synthesis in the body, the process of rebuilding lean body mass.

The triggers that activate the immune system also have the unfortunate side effect of slowing the digestion and absorption of nutrition, so using the fastest uptaking protein, and providing supplemental BCAA's makes sense to help provide the system with an abundance of "building material".

Anyway I hope that answers your question, if it doesn't than the answer is definitely "Blue". smile


Young Frack, SCC T4N2M0, Cisplatin,35+ rads,ND, RT Mandiblectomy w fibular free flap, facial paralysis, "He who has a "why" to live can bear with almost any "how"." -Nietzche "WARNING" PG-13 due to Sarcasm & WAY too much attitude, interact at your own risk.