Well Ron has hung in there for the holidays. Now I think it's getting damn close that the cancer is going to win. I knew that damn oncoligist didn't know a thing about Oral Cancer stating that his lungs will take him before the tumor growing in his jaw/mouth. He doesn't know a thing about Oral Cancer. He is breathing just fine...but the damn tumor IS growing fast in his neck/jaw. He told me today he probably won't be able to eat pretty soon, his pain is unbearable, his whole face area is in pain and I can see he isn't ready to quit but now it's probably too late. Maybe radiation...he has a hole under his chin that keeps getting bigger and bigger, I hate to say it I wish his lungs would have taken him because it's not pretty with what the tumor is doing to his face...THIS is what ORAL CANCER does! THIS is why it's so horrendous of a cancer...I'm sorry but I am angry but I must continue to work and live as my world crumbles down around me...I will hit bottom when the time comes I will need medication but I will continue to live but I hate knowing what is going to happen in my life in this new year...2013...13 is an unlucky number...and the 16th of this month will be our 15th year together thru all the cancer he has gone thru since 2007...God Help him and me.