Tube came out the second time last night. I emailed the hospital and I see them tomorrow. Im trying the thicket in Ensure/water. I can do pudding if I eat real slow. Some light foods vey slow. Since my surgery the 27th of June I've lost 35 pounds. I had some to loose anyway Probably why I have NO energy.
No one seems too concerned for the rapid weight loss (except me). I've been trying to maintain 1400-1500 Calories a day. I know 2,000 is the magic number but I was O.K. with the weight loss. Now since I've lost the tube the second time I feel Like I've lost my security blanket. The Speech therapist said they were probably going to remove the tube tomorrow anyway. AM I READY...I want it gone but I can't imagine maintaining 2000 Ca with out the tube.Should I suggest a stomach feeding tube as a back-up plan, I crave water all the time and its taken me a better part of an hour to have 4 oz with Thicket by mouth.. Just needing a little advice...followed the weight lost part of the this forum and don't want to get out of control. Thanks Steve Hurlock

SCC of larynx,2/1/2011 surgery 16 times to remove papilloma on vocal cords,started TOMO rad treatment 4/11.2011 T2N0M0 possible invasion onto cartilage tissue Cancer back 6/2012. Polyp removed Came back spindle cell carcenoma 6/22/12