They put the PEG back in. Thought it could be out in a week or two. I did my swallow test today.Did pretty well with thicker food. Because of 17 surgeries my vocal area was already a mess. The scope showed I can get most stuff out of my wind pipe with work...coughing forcing air out. I think I'm off the fast food circuit for good. Need to check out more what foods work and what won't. Dr said no rice for sure or peas. Thanks For all the input. It has been 2 weeks since surgery and I feel like I'm only 10% of my normal self energy wise. Thanks Steve Hurlock

SCC of larynx,2/1/2011 surgery 16 times to remove papilloma on vocal cords,started TOMO rad treatment 4/11.2011 T2N0M0 possible invasion onto cartilage tissue Cancer back 6/2012. Polyp removed Came back spindle cell carcenoma 6/22/12