Yep, I did said those to the oncologist, and he insists, this Monday we are getting another opinion from surgeon, and another opinion from another oncologist(quite well known who suddenly inbox my girl asking if he could help her since she added him on facebook and he saw that we were venting about her recurrence... miracle..)...

will update more, just want to have a quiet weekend... thinking of taking my girl for a getaway next week...loosen up abit ... and just deal with the stress management, its been hell since past 2-3 weeks...

CG to Ida (33yo f)Tongue CA Stage 1
02/07/11 Biopsy
15/09/11 35x IMRT done
07/11/11 CT Scan - Cleared!
02/12 - Abnormal bump discovered -
27/0212 -Biopsy done
It's back!!! wTH....
Surgery Done , 3cm margin and 55 negative nodes cleared
Rehab begins