It's difficult for me to write here now. Prior to having the surgery, I felt as if once it was over, I would feel better and live life until the next exam. Obviously, that was a naive viewpoint. I don't want anyone to feel the way I do, and also at the same time want to encourage those that have procedures to understand what to expect. Treatment options as well as recovery levels will vary, every procedure is different relative to the individual. The option I've had for treatment was not an option. I can now go to the VA but I'm post op with Stroger Hospital. I have a appointment this Thursday with my ENT, last week she called me to say that the cancer group didn't believe I should go through radiation or chemo just yet. I would be seen every month for a year then 3 months and 6 months.

I find it difficult at this point to believe the way I feel is just a coincidence. I am exhausted after doing the most simply things. I still can't open my mouth more than 3/4" to 1", my neck hurts, burns and feels like the muscle is shortened, my soft palate resection, appears to be spreading. My shoulder is in pain 24/7, though I've been told that the nerve was not affected...I can tell you that it was. I don't like pain meds but my shoulder pain makes that necessary. I feel like a drug addict asking the doctor to fill the Norco script. I could easily make connections for OC's or Dilaudid but I only want what I need to get by. It that wrong?

I'm so sorry for sharing this. Thank you for all the support given me, At some point I hope to be helpful as well.


Stage II Tonsil SCC, Radical Tonsillectomy and Neck Dissection, Partial Soft Palate Resection 10/19/11. More to come.