Hello all,

I'm so sorry for not responding after having so many give me guidance and support. My surgery was Oct 19th, the scheduled procedure was for a Radical Tonsillectomy and Left Neck Dissection. Prior to the surgery, I informed the ENT that I thought the cancer had spread to my soft palate in the two weeks we had seen each other. I could physically feel the difference in the back of my soft palate. Upon waking up in a room, morphine pump in hand, I was told that I was indeed right and a partial soft palate resection was required. I can't say my post op recovery was as pleasant as it should have been, the medication directions after stopping the morphine was for Tylenol 3 as required for pain. I'm telling you from someone that has endured burns and breaks throughout life, Tylenol 3 is like taking an aspirin for a slight headache. The doctor had ordered 10mg Norco as needed...never reached the floor.

Getting home, was given a 5mg script for Norco which was filled free of charge at the hospital, and a script for 10mg Norco that I had to fill outside the hospital...they didn't fill 10mg due to the drug use at inner city hospitals.

Again, I'm not a wimp when it comes to pain but I was taking 15mg Norco every 4 hrs on the clock or I was woke up and in horrible pain. Two weeks out I started cutting back on the pain medication until it was actually as needed.

First I was told that I was to have Radiation and had scheduled all my teeth to be removed, another ENT said that I was a good case for surgery, as radiation could only be done on a specific area once. I agreed to the surgery but now wish I hadn't.

I feel bad even sharing this as I know so many of you had to endure so much more. The soft palate resection left me without the ability to pronounce words as the uvula and most of the palate was removed, I shoot thin liquids up and out my nose and aspirate small foods like ground beef every meal. I have stabbing pain in my left ear daily that doesn't respond to OTC medication, my left shoulder aches all the time in addition to weakness and the inability to pull back or rotate my shoulder.

I'm sorry for complaining as I know I am fortunate to have caught this a early as I have.

Was told that all the margins through freeze biopsy were clear and the neck dissection levels 2 to 4 showed no spread.

Still waiting to hear if they recommend radiation or chemo as a follow up. This since two weeks ago as the oncologist was out of town. I've called the ENT with concern as I feel the same texture at the edge of the soft palate resection as I felt prior to the surgery now 5 weeks out. My next appointment is Dec 1st and really concerned that they didn't remove all of it.

Were I able to do it all again, I would endure the radiation and then have the surgery as clean-up. I'm thinking now I was a great opportunity to provide practice to a resident ENT.

It's strange how just recently, I see commercial after commercial from local hospitals that specialize in Cancer treatment. I guess if you go through a drive through, don't expect prime rib on your sandwich. Drive through was all I could afford though. It is what it is I guess.

I'll let you know what happens next, if nothing more than to drive home the honest truth to go to the very best hospital or center that focuses on cancer.

Thanks for letting me ramble.


Stage II Tonsil SCC, Radical Tonsillectomy and Neck Dissection, Partial Soft Palate Resection 10/19/11. More to come.