Notice how well that same strategy worked for Steve Jobs. Had he gone for traditional medical treatments in the beginning he would still be introducing more cool Apple products - instead he's dead.

All cancer treatments are "bad news" so man up and get into the program if there is still time. As Brian stated, there's still a chance of getting another 10 years of life. Oral cancer death is horrific and the stuff that Stephen King horror stories are made of.

Last edited by Gary; 11-09-2011 02:23 PM.

Gary Allsebrook
Dx 11/22/02, SCC, 6 x 3 cm Polypoid tumor, rt tonsil, Stage III/IVA, T3N0M0 G1/2
Tx 1/28/03 - 3/19/03, Cisplatin ct x2, IMRT, bilateral, with boost, x35(69.96Gy)
"You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes" (James 4:14 NIV)