My name is Dianne and I am a 12 year survivor of stage II OC (floor of the mouth) and an 11 year survivor of stage II OC (side of the tongue) and a 10 year survivor of stage IV OC (lymph nodes, radical left neck)! That ol' beast just kept coming back..but after the radical neck, I underwent radiation treatments and that was the last of the beast. I've managed to work full time during all of these surgeries and radiation and still keep up with my husband, six children and 8 grandchildren. Don't misunderstand me, the road has been VERY hard at times, but I always felt that if I quite working and changed my life style....then the beast won after all, so I just kept on going. The biggest problem I have had has been with the progressive radiation changes on the interior of my mouth. We just can't turn that darn radiation off, and the damage does get a bit worse with time. I take several medications that help and keep me going, but I often wonder what changes the radiation will continue to make in the years ahead. If anyone knows more about progressive radiation diaease, please let me know what to expect.
Nice to meet you all...see ya, Dianne