
I apologize for not updating you/the BBoard on my progress but life has been hectic with kids activities and my progress has been slow. My hip is fully healed, I still have some numbness in my right thigh but the Dr. say that should eventually go away. Even if it doesn't it is not a major deal. My mouth has not fully healed, the tissue in the back of my mouth does not want to close over the bone graft. About two weeks ago, a small piece (2mm x 2mm)of bone worked its way out of the sore. The Dr. was not alarmed, they took an x-ray and did a visual exam and said that all looks well. This past week the sore has opened a bit more and I have a small ridge of bone exposed. Another reason I've hesitated to post again is because I don't have a definitive answer to how all this will turn out. I will update again when I know more. I also visited my ENT last week and he said that the Oral Surgeon did a good job on the reconstruction. I mentioned to him that I was worried about this sore in my mouth that has not healed (> 2 weeks) He said that he is not alarmed and that all looks well.

Stage I diagnosed 9/18/2000
