I was totally focused on my reconstruction over the past month when I began to feel a soreness in the left side of my neck and a soreness when I swallowed. My cancer was on the upper left side of my mouth , so this caused me a great bit of worry. After feeling this soreness for about 10 days, I called my ENT to schedule an appointment, I went in this past Monday and had an exam, his "look and feel" exam detected nothing abnormal. He told me to go ahead with the reconstruction, I really do not know what caused the neck soreness, but it's gone now, fybromyalgia (sp?) is one possibilty. I am planning on meeting with an oral surgeon on March 8 for a preoperative physical and consultation. My surgery is schedule for March 20. I'll update the site on my success/failure. I'm banking on success!

Stage I diagnosed 9/18/2000
