Not much new to post...I am improving slowly. Got the last trach so it is easier to breath and they will cork it in the next day or two so they can tell when I might be ready for removal. One drain left under arm pit where they took tissue and moved it under, around and through the muscle to the mouth.

I can't get to some of the pages I planned on getting to so haven't had as much to read as I wanted to. I thought I could get on my local ISP and read mail...but you have to have that one address as the master...and it isn't. Darn it!

I got better sleep last night, just hate that I still can't get up to the bathroom without asking for help to unplug cords, etc. That will make a big difference.

Michele in IL

Female - 53 no smoke/drink
tongue Biopsy 8/2010
Surgery 9/21 for SCC left side tongue stage II. Prtl removal tongue/left side lymph nodes. All Clear
Radiation started 11/2, ended 12/17
Lymph node involved left side along with gum involvement 2/9 Fibular flap failed 2/22.
passed away 1/12/12