You sound like you might still be depressed...I am looking forward to going back to doing the things I love to do. I made some really good sales on ebay in the last week or two, want to finish those things up, get back to eating again and living life. I know this has all thrown my son into a tailspin and he is hopefully getting new/different meds because what he had wasn't working. I will be kicking as much as an old lady with one good leg can kick! :o)

Michele in IL

Female - 53 no smoke/drink
tongue Biopsy 8/2010
Surgery 9/21 for SCC left side tongue stage II. Prtl removal tongue/left side lymph nodes. All Clear
Radiation started 11/2, ended 12/17
Lymph node involved left side along with gum involvement 2/9 Fibular flap failed 2/22.
passed away 1/12/12